Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Effortless Weight Loss Mastery

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    Chapter #1 Intro Week 1

    • What is my first step?

    • Test your learning

    • Mastery of Self (30 min) (Listen)

    • Acceptance and Compassion 4 Your Body(30 min) (Listen)

    • Affirmations For A Slender Body (Listen and Repeat EVERY DAY!!) (3 min)

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    Chapter #2 Week 2

    • Your Thinner You Video

    • Your Thinner You (19 min)(Listen)

    • Weight Loss and Healthy Habits (45 min) (Listen)

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    Chapter 3: Week 3

    • You Control Your Food (30 min)(Listen)

    • Open to Manifesting, Open to Love (29 min)(Listen)

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    Chapter 4: Week 4

    • Letting Go of Resistance (Listen)

    • Love 4 You (17 min)(Listen)

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    Chapter 5 : Week 5

    • Vibrating Love to your SELF:) (Listen)

    • Removing Negative Energy Cords (26min)(Listen)

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    Chapter 6: Week 6

    • TakingDailyAction (Listen)

    • CuttingChords (Listen)

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    Chapter 7, Week 7

    • Clearing Emotional Baggage (25 min)(Listen)

    • U R Love and Lovable (Listen)

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    Chapter 8, Week 8

    • CellCommandTherapy (Listen)

    • Clearing Obstacles for your success (Listen)

    • Chocolate and Covid? Keep listening...repetition...repetition is key for success...:)